Awakening the Sleeing Giant

Just a notice to all those in my country right now who think the majority of Americans are sleeping and not paying attention. We have been awake for a very long time, awake and watching all the things going on in our beloved country.

Right now there are peole who have been enbolden to attack, to threaten, to harrass, to bully others into doing what they decide they want for today. Sorry, kiddos, the answer is no, you cannot do that. Not on my watch, not on a whole lot of others’ watch.

It seems they leaarned in the times of COVID, in the times of a presdential election, in the times of being granted excuses to aberant actions, that they can and pretty much do anything they want without any sort of reckoning. Yet, the same people who enabled this group of lawless thugs, are prosecuting people who reacted to the fraudulent actions of a whole politcal party.

Now, those same lawless indiviuals are threatening our Supreme Court Justices. They need to be arrestted and prosecuted, period. This is against everything we as a country have fought for, have given our lives for. Enableing them so a party can have their way like spoiled little children is NOT the American way, it is the bully’s way.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Slap them in jail like you did the citzens on January 6th.

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